Source code for verboselogs

# Custom log levels for Python's logging module.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: August 7, 2017
# URL:

Custom log levels for Python's :mod:`logging` module.

The :mod:`verboselogs` module defines the :data:`NOTICE`, :data:`SPAM`,
:data:`SUCCESS` and :data:`VERBOSE` constants, the :class:`VerboseLogger` class
and the :func:`add_log_level()` and :func:`install()` functions.

At import time :func:`add_log_level()` is used to register the custom log
levels :data:`NOTICE`, :data:`SPAM`, :data:`SUCCESS` and :data:`VERBOSE` with
Python's :mod:`logging` module.

import logging

__version__ = '1.7'
"""Semi-standard module versioning."""

The numeric value of the 'notice' log level (a number).

The value of :data:`NOTICE` positions the notice log level between the
:data:`~logging.WARNING` and :data:`~logging.INFO` levels. Refer to `pull
request #3 <>`_ for more

:see also: The :func:`~VerboseLogger.notice()` method of the
           :class:`VerboseLogger` class.

SPAM = 5
The numeric value of the 'spam' log level (a number).

The value of :data:`SPAM` positions the spam log level between the
:data:`~logging.DEBUG` and :data:`~logging.NOTSET` levels.

:see also: The :func:`~VerboseLogger.spam()` method of the
           :class:`VerboseLogger` class.

The numeric value of the 'success' log level (a number).

The value of :data:`SUCCESS` positions the success log level between the
:data:`~logging.WARNING` and :data:`~logging.ERROR` levels. Refer to `issue #4
<>`_ for more details.

:see also: The :func:`~VerboseLogger.success()` method of the
           :class:`VerboseLogger` class.

The numeric value of the 'verbose' log level (a number).

The value of :data:`VERBOSE` positions the verbose log level between the
:data:`~logging.INFO` and :data:`~logging.DEBUG` levels.

:see also: The :func:`~VerboseLogger.verbose()` method of the
           :class:`VerboseLogger` class.

[docs]def install(): """ Make :class:`VerboseLogger` the default logger class. The :func:`install()` function uses :func:`~logging.setLoggerClass()` to configure :class:`VerboseLogger` as the default class for all loggers created by :func:`logging.getLogger()` after :func:`install()` has been called. Here's how it works: .. code-block:: python import logging import verboselogs verboselogs.install() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # will be a VerboseLogger instance """ logging.setLoggerClass(VerboseLogger)
[docs]def add_log_level(value, name): """ Add a new log level to the :mod:`logging` module. :param value: The log level's number (an integer). :param name: The name for the log level (a string). """ logging.addLevelName(value, name) setattr(logging, name, value)
# Define the NOTICE log level. add_log_level(NOTICE, 'NOTICE') # Define the SPAM log level. add_log_level(SPAM, 'SPAM') # Define the SUCCESS log level. add_log_level(SUCCESS, 'SUCCESS') # Define the VERBOSE log level. add_log_level(VERBOSE, 'VERBOSE')
[docs]class VerboseLogger(logging.Logger): """ Custom logger class to support the additional logging levels. This subclass of :class:`logging.Logger` adds support for the additional logging methods :func:`notice()`, :func:`spam()`, :func:`success()` and :func:`verbose()`. You can use :func:`verboselogs.install()` to make :class:`VerboseLogger` the default logger class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ Initialize a :class:`VerboseLogger` object. :param args: Refer to the superclass (:class:`logging.Logger`). :param kw: Refer to the superclass (:class:`logging.Logger`). This method first initializes the superclass and then it sets the root logger as the parent of this logger. The function :func:`logging.getLogger()` is normally responsible for defining the hierarchy of logger objects however because verbose loggers can be created by calling the :class:`VerboseLogger` constructor, we're responsible for defining the parent relationship ourselves. """ logging.Logger.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.parent = logging.getLogger()
[docs] def notice(self, msg, *args, **kw): """Log a message with level :data:`NOTICE`. The arguments are interpreted as for :func:`logging.debug()`.""" if self.isEnabledFor(NOTICE): self._log(NOTICE, msg, args, **kw)
[docs] def spam(self, msg, *args, **kw): """Log a message with level :data:`SPAM`. The arguments are interpreted as for :func:`logging.debug()`.""" if self.isEnabledFor(SPAM): self._log(SPAM, msg, args, **kw)
[docs] def success(self, msg, *args, **kw): """Log a message with level :data:`SUCCESS`. The arguments are interpreted as for :func:`logging.debug()`.""" if self.isEnabledFor(SUCCESS): self._log(SUCCESS, msg, args, **kw)
[docs] def verbose(self, msg, *args, **kw): """Log a message with level :data:`VERBOSE`. The arguments are interpreted as for :func:`logging.debug()`.""" if self.isEnabledFor(VERBOSE): self._log(VERBOSE, msg, args, **kw)